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Case Challenge 10 - Thumbnail

Firm Gingival Enlargement of the Anterior Maxilla


Antonio J. Moretti, DDS, MS; Catherine M Flaitz, DDS, MS; Gina T Bonaventura, DDS, MS


The following Case Challenge is provided in conjunction with the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.

A healthy 56-year old African American woman was concerned about a large growth of the maxillary gingiva. Specifically, this gingival enlargement interfered with the wearing of a removable partial denture and was causing a distortion of the upper lip that affected her facial appearance.

After you have finished reviewing the available diagnostic information, make the diagnosis.

Case Author(s)

Dr. Moretti is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Periodontics, Department of Stomatology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Dental Branch.

Note: Bio information was provided at the time the case challenge wa...

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