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Case Challenge 39 - Thumbnail

Pain in the Right Posterior Mandible


Jose Bagan, MD, PhD, MS; Dolphine Oda, BDS, MSC


The following Case Challenge is provided in conjunction with the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.

An 82-year-old Caucasian female presented to the Department of Oral Medicine at Valencia University in Valencia, Spain with a complaint of pain in the right posterior mandible. The pain was controlled with several over-the-counter analgesics but exudate drained intermittently from an opening in the skin in this area.

After you have finished reviewing the available diagnostic information, make the diagnosis.

Case Author(s)

Dr. Bagan is a Professor of Oral Medicine and the Chairman of the Stomatology Service at Valencia University, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology in Valencia, Spain. He also serves as the Director of the Journal of Medicina Oral, Patología Or...

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