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Cheryl Thomas, RDH

Cheryl Thomas

Cher Thomas, RDH is a renal transplant recipient and has lived with kidney disease for the past 10 years. For over twenty-five years she has practiced as both a registered dental hygienist and dental assistant in general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and public health settings. Cher is a national speaker who educates and inspires patients and their medical and dental healthcare providers regarding the special needs of renal patients. By using both her personal and professional experience, Cher teaches audiences techniques that lead to improving patient/provider communication as well as improved quality of life. In addition, Cher instructs patients and dental/medical health care providers the special needs concerning the dental management of renal patients. She has been published in The National Kidney Foundation’s - The Transplant Chronicles and various dental/dental hygiene publications and in July 2005, she received the RDH Sunstar Butler Award of Distinction in Dental Hygiene.

Cheryl invites you to visit her website at
