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  • Sandra D Amato-Palumbo

Sandra D'Amato-Palumbo, RDH, MPS

Sandra D Amato-Palumbo

Sandra is a tenured Associate Professor and Program Director in the Dental Hygiene Program, Division of Health Professions at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. She has been a full-time faculty member in the program since 1996, spanning the freshman, junior and senior-level curriculum, including the clinical, community-based and academic areas. Her areas of expertise reflect the following courses taught in the Program: Introduction to Dental Hygiene I and II, Dental Hygiene Clinical Concepts III-V, Dental Hygiene Research, Oral Medicine, Senior Internships, Senior Projects, Oral Pathology and the Community-Based Program. In addition to her academic teaching schedule, Sandra continues to serve on various state and local advisory committees; continues to lecture at state-wide and national conferences; and maintains consultant positions in the state of Connecticut. Sandra has been an active member of the New Haven Dental Hygienists’ Association and the Delta Lambda Chapter of Sigma Phi Alpha Dental Hygiene Honor Society.