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Lasers in Dentistry: Minimally Invasive Instruments for the Modern Practice

Course Number: 394

Laser Safety

Proper safety procedures must be put in place by any practice implementing laser use. A laser safety officer needs to be appointed by the clinic whose job it is to implement and monitor safety protocols. The manufacturer of each device is obliged to train the providers the important safeguards needed for each device. Common safety practices include:

  • Eye Protection – The patient, clinical staff and any observers must wear protective eyewear specific for the wavelength being used.

  • Plume Control – Laser procedures create a plume that may contain hazardous chemicals and microflora. Standard dental high-speed evacuation properly used is adequate to control the plume. Good quality masks need to be worn by the clinicians. N95 masks offer excellent protection.

  • Sharps – Scored laser tips of quartz fibers are considered sharps and need to be disposed of as such.

  • Warning Sign – Warning signs need to be in a visible place and access to the operatory limited.