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Food for Thought: The Relationship Between Oral Health and Nutrition

Course Number: 583

Healthy Eating Plates

The Healthy Eating Plates have been designed to replace the former Food Guide Pyramids. The Harvard School of Public Health has revised some key points to the USDA’s MyPlate to offer a more comprehensive picture of basic nutritional advice.8

Healthy Eating Plate

Figure 2. Healthy Eating Plate.8

  • Choose more healthy protein such as fish, poultry, beans and nuts, and limiting red and processed meats which can raise the risk of heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and weight gain.

  • Consume a variety of vegetables with the exception of potatoes, which can have the same effect on blood sugar as refined grains and sweets.

  • Add a colorful abundance of fruits.

  • Use health oils such as olive and avocado, while limiting butter and trans-fats.

  • Consume naturally calorie free water or plain tea and coffee for optimal beverage choices. Limit sugary drinks, both soda and juice, and keep milk and dairy servings to two per day.

  • Maintain an active lifestyle for overall health and weight management.