New Publications
The following papers were published recently by P&G researchers and external collaborators. Click the links to learn more.
Research on Personalized Brushing with Oral-B iO Technology
A special issue of the Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry was published in April 2022 summarizing case series with implant and orthodontic patients using the Oral-B iO with the new Targeted Clean brush head as well as a 12-week clinical trial demonstrating significant plaque and gingivitis reductions with the Gentle Care brush head. The introductory article emphasizes the importance of investing time to tailor patients' home care regimen, and describes how Oral-B iO technology provides personalized brushing without compromise. Authors include Susan Wingrove, Dr. Thomas Lambert, Dr. Dana Van Elslande, Dr. C. Ram Goyal, Jimmy Qaqish, Dr. Ralf Adam, Dr. Julie Grender, and Dr. Hans Timm.
Global Analysis of Real-World App Data Shows Improved Brushing Behaviors
An analysis of 16.7 million anonymized brushing sessions with Oral-B iO, Genius and Genius X and the app from 175 countries was recently published in Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry. Use of Oral-B interactive O-R toothbrushes and the app resulted in:
- longer brushing time; 21.6% longer brushing time with Position Detection vs. No App
- improved brushing coverage; 94% average coverage with Position Detection; and
- 55% reduction in self-reported gingival bleeding over 5 weeks
Prioritizing Oral Hygiene Instruction in the Dental Practice: Lessons from Covid-19
Dr. Lior Shapira and Dr. Filippo Graziani, current and past Presidents of the European Federation of Periodontology, respectively, published an article that appeared in The Probe and Smile - Oral Health Matters emphasizing the critical role of Oral Hygiene Instruction in the COVID era.
Closing the Periodontal Disease Prevention Gap with Lessons from Global Survey Data
A new article in RDH Magazine by Michaela O'Neill advocates for more effective home hygiene recommendations to improve patients’ periodontal health. The paper highlights findings from 3 global surveys - fielded by the International Federation of Dental Hygienists with sponsorship from P&G - on dental hygienists’ knowledge and practices around dentifrice, electric toothbrushes and the oral-systemic link. The survey results illustrate an opportunity to improve patients’ oral health by making targeted recommendations for effective home care products, including SnF2 dentifrice and electric toothbrushes.
In vitro evaluation of virucidal activity against SARS-CoV-2
A recent publication in Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry shows in vitro virucidal activity against SARS-CoV-2 for a CPC rinse, a hydrogen peroxide rinse, and two stannous fluoride dentifrices manufactured by P&G.1 The study was conducted according to an established method (European Standard EN 14476). All four test products produced > 4 log10 reduction in SARS-CoV-2 titer.These data are consistent with other research showing CPC rinse, hydrogen peroxide rinse, and stannous fluoride dentifrice reduce SARS-CoV-2 salivary viral loads.2-5 However, it’s important to note these were in vitro findings and do not infer that the test products play a role in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission or in the management of COVID-19 illness. Clinical evaluation would be required to evaluate the effects of these products in vivo.
1. Ramji R, Circello B, Winston JL, Biesbrock AR. Virucidal Activity of Over-the-Counter Oral Care Products Against SARS-CoV-2. Oral Health Prev Dent 2022; 20: 185-192. 2. Eduardo P, et al. Effectiveness of toothpastes on SARS-CoV-2 viral load in saliva. Int Dent J 2022, in press.3. Komine A, Yamaguchi E, Okamoto N, Yamamoto K. Virucidal activity of oral care products against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol 2021;33:475–477 4. Seneviratne CJ, Balan P, Ko KKK, Udawatte NS, Lai D, Ng DHL, et al. Efficacy of commercial mouth-rinses on SARS-CoV-2 viral load in saliva: randomized control trial in Singapore. Infection 2021;49:305–311. 5. Eduardo FP, Corrêa L, Heller D, Daep CA, Benitez C, Malheiros Z, et al. Salivary SARS-CoV-2 load reduction with mouthwash use: A randomized pilot clinical trial. Heliyon 2021;7:e07346.
Speaker Resource
Infographic clinical summaries are available for use in presentations, social media, websites, and more. Topics include:
- Meta-analyses of stannous fluoride dentifrice for erosion and sensitivity
- Better brushing behavior with Oral-B interactive brushes. Check out the app when you brush so you can see first-hand how its features will benefit your patients’ brushing behavior!
- Superior plaque removal for Oral-B Kids’ electric toothbrush vs manual
A video summary is also available for the pediatric plaque study (see below)
New slides on Oral-B Targeted Clean and Gentle Care brush head research are also available. Contact your P&G Professional & Scientific Relations manager for more information.
EuroPerio10 Activities
P&G is excited to announce a new alliance with Straumann, with the goal of optimizing successful outcomes for implant patients. We invite you to attend our joint EuroPerio10 symposium entitled Limiting periodontal and peri-implant diseases during and beyond the Pandemic: from the chair to self-care on Friday, June 17 in Copenhagen, Denmark. P&G also invites you to join a live webinar on Friday, June 17 to learn more about the oral-systemic link by top experts. Click here to register. If you live in North America, please select “Other” for Region. If you wish to attend the event in person, please contact your P&G Professional & Scientific Relations manager.
Product News
Introducing Oral-B® Targeted Clean™ Brush Head
The new Oral-B iO Targeted Clean brush head has a unique center tuft with longer bristles on the inside, surrounded with shorter, higher density bristles to effectively access and clean hard to reach areas. It is an excellent choice for patients with braces, bridges, and implants. It fits the Oral-B iO electric rechargeable toothbrush handle. Lecturing resources are available upon request. Contact your P&G Professional & Scientific Relations manager.