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Improving Oral Health Literacy: Teaching Primary School Students through the Lessons in a Lunch Box Program

Course Number: 456


The Lessons in a Lunch Box program is health literacy in action. Health education is achieved through participation and interaction which leads to health literacy, and this is what happens when you take the time to present this innovative program. The lessons taught focus on disease prevention, wellness and how to avoid the two dietary diseases which too often plague children attending Title 1 schools – tooth decay and obesity.

The Children’s Oral Health Institute is excited that you will present Lessons in a Lunch Box at a local Title 1 elementary school. Your continued commitment and dedication to the oral health education of children and their families is invaluable to these communities, to the profession of dental medicine and to the oral health literacy of our country. This program will help the oral health professional to appreciate that the lunch box/carrot case ensemble offers many children an important “sanctuary” for their personal dental hygiene products.

As we continue to incorporate oral health literacy into the daily practice of dental medicine, health professionals should become well versed to ensure this messaging is communicated accurately and effectively.