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Radiographic Selection Criteria

Course Number: 584

Radiographic Examination of the Patient with Active Periodontal Disease or a History of Periodontal Treatment

The determination regarding radiographic examination of the recall child, adolescent, or adult patient with clinical evidence of periodontal disease or a history thereof, is based on the expectation that the information obtained will be critical to proper diagnosis and treatment. A clinical examination of the periodontium should be performed as well as documentation of the clinical signs and symptoms of periodontal disease in order to effectively determine the type and frequency of the radiographic examination. Professional judgment and case-by-case evaluation is necessary to determine the appropriate survey. The recommended survey may consist of, but is not limited to, selected periapical and bitewing images where periodontal disease other than nonspecific gingivitis is clinically evident.1 See Table 4 for a summary of the radiographic recommendations.

Figure 6. Vertical Posterior Bitewing Images

ce584 - Images - 3

Figure 6. Vertical Posterior Bitewing Images

Table 4. Radiographic Examination of the Recall Patient Based on Periodontal Disease.1

Recall Patient Recommendations Based on Periodontal Disease
Recall PatientChild with Primary DentitionChild with Mixed DentitionAdolescent with Permanent DentitionAdult Dentate Partially DentateAdult Edentulous
With Periodontal DiseaseClinical judgment for need & type of images

May include selected periapicals and/or bitewings as indicated
Clinical judgment for need & type of images

May include selected periapicals and/or bitewings as indicated
Clinical judgment for need & type of images

May include selected periapicals and/or bitewings as indicated
Clinical judgment for need & type of images

May include selected periapicals and/or bitewings as indicated
Not Applicable