Sports Dentistry - Education and Prevention: Play it Right!
Course Number: 679
ToothSOS app
Incorporating technology into dental public health education may help share preventive strategies and improve treatment outcomes. The International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) created an app (software application for mobile devices), ToothSOS, to share information about trauma and management with the general public.18 In emergency and non-emergency situations, the app can be a useful resource for the lay person dealing with traumatic dental injuries. The app was first launched in April 2018 as a free service developed, provided and sponsored by the IADT. The purpose of the app is to provide the general public, patients, parents, educators, and professionals with information relating to traumatic tooth injuries. The app was developed by the Education Committee of the IADT and then validated by an international group of experts selected by the IADT. The app is user-friendly and can be downloaded on any Apple or Android mobile device at no charge. In the patient section, individuals can find instructions for how to handle dental injuries prior to visiting their dentist. The steps provided are for teeth that have been knocked out, moved, pushed in, loosened, broken and if there is injury to the skin, lips and gums, and to the jaws and joints (Figure 4). The trauma management algorithms in the patient section of ToothSOS is solely based on the official guidelines of the IADT. As well, patients are able to view information on preventive strategies and the types of mouthguards (Figure 2).
Figure 4. Example of Patient Section, tooth injury types and recommendation screens for knocked out tooth.
Source: IADT ToothSOS app
In the professional section, published guidelines for dental trauma by the IADT can be found. As well, continuing education resources, information about the IADT and the dental trauma guide are provided. These links might help the dental professional in making treatment decisions and keep them informed about the latest evidence-based trauma guidelines. The user can navigate between the two sections and choose which language they would like to set the app to.
Figure 5. Professional Section of the ToothSOS app showing access to trauma guidelines, IADT website and the Dental Trauma Guide.
Source: IADT ToothSOS app