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Geriatric Dentistry: Before You Call 911

Course Number: 586

References / Additional Resources

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  66. A five‐step risk management process for geriatric dental practice during SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic; Karthik Sivaraman, Aditi Chopra, Aparna Narayana, and Raghu A. Radhakrishnan;September 25, 2020; Accessed 31st July, 2022

  67. Global concerns of dental and oral health workers during COVID-19 outbreak: a scope study on the concerns and the coping strategies; Peivand Bastani, Mohammadtaghi Mohammadpour, Arash Ghanbarzadegan, Kostas Kapellas & Loc Giang Do Published: Feb 2, 2021; Accessed 31st July, 2022.


  69. Dental safe practice guidelines

  70. Geriatric Dentistry- an Overview ;Manjusha S Pardhan , Snehal S Sonarkar, Pratima R Shenoi , Varsha Uttarwar , Vidya Mokhade ; Accessed- 3rd August, 2022.

  71. Geriatric oral health competency among dental providers Maryam Tabrizi and Wei-Chen Lee; Published 30th September, 2021; Accessed 3rd August, 2022.




  75. COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Literature Review; Published 25th October, 2021; Accessed- 3rd August, 2022

  76. COVID-19 Pandemic and Osteoporosis in Elderly Patients; Published- 11 July, 2022; Accessed- 3rd August, 2022

  77. COVID-19 and Asthma: What Patients Need to Know- American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology; Accessed 3rd August, 2022

  78. COVID-19 and Heart Failure: From Epidemiology During the Pandemic to Myocardial Injury, Myocarditis, and Heart Failure Sequelae; 10 August 2021; Accessed 3rd August, 2022

  79. How COVID-19 Impacts People with Diabetes - American Diabetes Assosciation; Accessed-3rd August, 2022.

  80. Pan-dent-emic: safety considerations for dental surgery in the era of COVID-19;Roma Enette Mascarenhas, Swati Pralhad & Nidhi Manaktala; Published: 12 April 2021; Accessed 31st July, 2022.

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