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Full Arch Implant Prostheses: Part II - Fabrication Procedures

Course Number: 618

References / Additional Resources

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  23. Elshenawy EA, Alam-Eldein AM, Abd Elfatah FA. Cast accuracy obtained from different impression techniques at different implant angulations (in vitro study). Int J Implant Dent. 2018 Mar 20;4(1):9. doi: 10.1186/s40729-018-0118-6.

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  47. Massad J, Verma M, Ahuja SA. Improving implant survival by implementing the use of an electric toothbrush. Dent Today. 2019 Oct 01;38:68-7. Accessed March 11, 2021.

  48. Accessed December 15, 2023

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